Walnut Creek, California

January through April

In January Monte Hall replaced long serving member Charles Berger on the board of Directors and Pat Sinnott has replaced hard
working Chuck Howard as  Vice President. Membership rose from 758 in January to 1001 in April. Classes in Micrsoft Office 2007 will be offered and this will require the installion of additional memory in the 24 computers in room B. Don Ingenito demonstrated an inexpensive computer aimed at children in third world countries. This is a small portable computer which will cost around $100. The clubs's Wi-Fi was dismantled as of the last day of April and Golden Rain has installed additional outlets so that all the computers at Gateway can run on a wired version of Comcast. The public computer at Gateway, that was connected to Comcast by Wi-Fi .has been replaced and the new one has Vista installed.. A new name " Computer Q&A Workshop", has been chosen for our workshops.

May through July

There have been no momentous historical events during this period. the club continues to run smoothly. the financial picture is comfortable and the membership remains about even. We expect some additions and changes within the club in the near future and when these happen they will be reported.

                                                                                              August through September

The clubs' financial picture continues to be healthy as does the membership.
The club's annual picnic was held in August and was a rousing success. 135 folks attended and had a wonderful time. the food was excellent. On August 26 our president, Leonard Krauss, was recognized by the Acalanes Union High School District as the district's 2008 Su Stauffer Friend of Education for his commitment to and support of public educaton, especially adult education.
October through December 2008

The annual Volunteer Luncheon was held on October 10, hosted by Marie Klos, catered by Hamilton Catering. Our special guest, GERTRUDE HALPERIN  praised all the volunteers for maintaining the goals set by AL HALPERIN, and thanked them for keeping the ROSSMOOR COMPUTER CLUB rated as the best adult community computer club in the U.S.A. Gifts and prizes were distributed and everyone enjoyed the food and wine.

We have set up a program called 'Mailman", which will allow the club, with one keystroke. to send mass mailings to all the members who have email addresses.  The club plans on using the program to send out Kilobytes as an attachment,  emails about malware, club events and other items of interest. To administrate Mailman the club has opented an account with G-Mail, which will be monitered by Leonard Krauss and Monte Hall. We have also set up a mass mailing address book in the G-Mail account which allows the club to contact all the volunteers who work at  the club facility at Gateway.
Pat Sinnott resignd from the Board and from her position as vice president as she has left Rossmoor and is traveling in her motor home.
At the geneal meeting Jerry Geller was elected to the board and Monte Hall was elected to the position of vice president.

The class and seminar schedule for January to June  2009 is out with some added classes.